Set up Data Sync

Data Sync

Once you have successfully signed up for Portabl and configured your Data Profile, you're ready to start integrating Data Sync.

Console Configuration

Before setting up data synchronization, you'll need to configure the allowed callback URLs and web origins in the Portabl console.

Allowed Callback URLs Configuration

After the user authenticates, we will only call back to any of these URLs. You can specify multiple valid URLs by comma-separating them (typically to handle different environments like QA or testing). Make sure to specify the protocol (https://) otherwise the callback may fail in some cases. With the exception of custom URI schemes for native clients, all callbacks should use protocol https://.

Allowed Web Origins Configuration

Comma-separated list of allowed origins for use with Cross-Origin Authentication, Device Flow, and web message response mode, in the form of <scheme> "://" <host> [ ":" <port> ], such as https://login.mydomain.com or http://localhost:3000. You can use wildcards at the subdomain level (e.g.: https://*.banktrust.com). Query strings and hash information are not taken into account when validating these URLs.

These settings are necessary to allow users to sign in to their Portabl account or sign up for a new one.

Create integration endpoints for enabling user Backup

To enable FS Users to backup their data you will need to make requests to our API endpoints from your backend:

  1. Create a temporary access token to configure and authenticate data backup flow.
  2. Load backup data that you have for the user and create a credential for them.

These endpoints can leverage one of our Server-side SDK (opens in a new tab) to communicate with Portabl's APIs.

4. Integrate Portabl Client-side SDKs into your application

To integrate Portabl into your application please use one of the following: