Core Concepts
DIDs Demystified

DIDs Demystified

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) are unique identifiers that enable digital entities (such as people, organizations, and things) to create and control their own identities, independent of any centralized authority. DIDs can be created and managed by anyone and can be used to authenticate and verify the identity of their owner.

At Portabl, we use DIDs to provide our users with complete control over their identities and personal data. Instead of relying on a centralized identity provider, Portabl users create their own unique DIDs that are anchored on a decentralized network, ensuring that their personal information and credentials remain secure and under their control.

DIDs are important to Portabl because they enable our users to own and control their digital identities, giving them greater privacy, security, and control over their personal information. By using DIDs, Portabl can eliminate the need for a centralized authority to manage user identities, reducing the risk of data breaches and giving users complete control over their personal information.